Plot Summary
Shanmugamani...arrives in the village of Thaayamangalam as the new school teacher and soon falls in love with a local damsel, Jothi. The village head, revered as "Periyavar", is a lecherous and sinister man who has a lustful eye on Jothi. Amavasai is Periyavar's stooge who also has a long-standing desire to marry Jothi. Periyavar frames Shanmugamani for the rape and murder of a woman social activist, has him evicted from the village and has Jothi married by deceit to Amavasai. He asks Amavasai and Jothi to stay with him in order to satiate his lust for Jothi. She kills Periyavar before Amavasai and Shanmugamani can. Amavasai decides to hide it from the villagers. He feels guilty for cheating and marrying her, so he removes the mangalsutra he tied and asks her to live happily with Shanmugamani. The film ends with Shanmugamani and Jothi leaving the village.
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