Sena is a 2003 Tamil-language crime film directed by Sujeeth. The film stars Sathyaraj, Aravind Akash and Charulatha while Anandaraj and Chandrasekhar play supporting roles. The film, produced by P. Suneetha Anandakumar, had musical... score by D. Imman and was released on 12 April 2003
Songs Credits:
Suthi Suthi Varuven
Singer: Tippu, Srilekha Parthasarathy
Lyrics : Pasumpon
Music : D.Imman
Directed by - Sujeeth
Written by - Sujeeth , M. Balu (dilaogues)
Produced by - P. Suneetha Anandakumar
Starring - Sathyaraj, Aravind Akash, Charulatha
Cinematography- S. Kishan Sagar
Edited by- K. Velayutham
Music by- D. Imman
Production company - Sri Saivani Movies
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