The film revolves around a group of villagers from Maranur, India, and their clash with a neighbouring village leader as their community begins to prosper. Soon, money and greed threaten a will for peaceful coexistence between the two rivalling communities.... Two villages are constantly at war, headed by their respective leaders. When one of the leaders is killed, his daughter (Anu Hasan) succeeds him and puts up a brave fight to reunite the two villages. The main theme involves the role of the caste system and how the younger generation strives to overcome it.
Credits: Cast: Anu Hasan, Arvind Swamy, Radharavi, Nassar, Janagaraj Director: Suhasini Maniratnam Screenplay: Suhasini Maniratnam, Mani Ratnam Music: A. R. Rahman Producer: G. Venkateswaran