Watch and Enjoy Full movie of Bhuvanakkadu featuring Vignesh, Divya Nagesh, Kutti Malar, Tharvesh, Arya, Nizhalgal Ravi, Anumohan, Pandu and Karate Raja. Bhuvanakkadu is a family thriller, revolves around Vignesh and Divya Nagesh along with their...daughter. Their pleasant life gets disturbed due to some mysterious happening.
#Bhuvanakkadu #tamilmovies #tamilcomedy
Movie Credits :
Cast: Vignesh, Divya Nagesh, Kutti Malar, Tharvesh, Arya, Nizhalgal Ravi, Anumohan, Pandu and Karate Raja.
Director: Mohan
Producer: Robinson
Music Director: Sharadh Priyadev
Cinematography: Ravisamy
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