Thai Sollai Thattathe is an action drama film directed by M.A.Thirumugam. The film stars M.G.Ramachandran...and B.Saroja Devi, with M.R.Radha, S.A.Ashokan, V.R.Rajagopal, and P.Kannamba in supporting roles.It revolves around a police officer who is tasked with apprehending his brother,a criminal.
#thaisollaithattathe #mgramachandran #sarojadevi #mrradha #saashokan
Raju,a sincere police officer,decides to fight crime and catch all the criminals in his area of jurisdiction.However,he soon finds out that one of them is his brother,Mohan.
Movie Credits:-
Directed by M.A.Thirumugam
Written by Aaroor Dass
Produced by Sandow M.M.A.Chinnappa Thevar
Starring M.G.Ramachandran
B.Saroja Devi
Cinematography: C.V.Murthy
Editing: M.A.Thirumugam,M.G.Balu Rao,M.A.Mariappan
Music: K.V.Mahadevan
Production Company: Thevar Films
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