Raja Ranguski is a 2018 Tamil-language drama thriller film written, produced and directed by Dharani Dharan. The film stars Metro Shirish and Chandini Tamilarasan, with the former playing the title role of Raja while the latter playing the title role of Ranguski, while Anupama Kumar and Kalloori Vinoth play supporting roles. The music was composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja, with cinematography by D. K. Yuvaa and editing by Shafiq Muhammed Ali.
Raja, a police constable, falls in love with Ranguski, an aspiring writer, and tries to woo her through phone calls. However, he soon gets implicated in the murder of Maria, Ranguski's neighbour.
Movie Credits:
Written & Directed by: Dharani Dharan
Produced by: Dharani Dharan
Starring: Metro Shirish, Chandini Tamilarasan, Anupama Kumar, Kalloori Vinoth
Cinematography: D. K. Yuvaa
Edited by: Shafique Mohamed Ali
Music by: Yuvan Shankar Raja
Production company: Vasan Productions, Burma Talkies
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