#aynagaran Watch (எழுமின்) Ezhumin movie scenes featuring Vivek, Devayani, Azhagam Perumal & Prem in pivotal roles. Ezhumin is a 2018 martial arts film which primarily focused on the importance of martial arts and self-defense. This film is...written and directed by V.P. Viji, who also produced this film under his own production company, Vaiyam Mediyas.

#Ezhumin #vivek #vivekcomedy #devayani #azhagamperumal #prem #ayngarantamilcomedy

Movie Credits:

Written & directed by V.P. Viji
Starring : Vivek, Devayani, Azhagam Perumal, Prem, Raghavan Umasrinivasan
Cinematography Gopi Jagadeeshwaran
Edited by Karthik Ram
Music by Ganesh Chandrasekaran

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