Plot Summary
The story revolves round two village bigwigs, Periya Karuppan (Sathyaraj) and... Kottaisamy (C. Arunpandian). Periya Karuppan, a kind hearted person, is very helpful to his villagers. Kottaisamy, on the other hand, is always jealous of Periya Karuppan and his father (Chandrasekhar).
Periya Karuppan is very affectionate towards his sister and he gives her in marriage to a young man. After giving birth to a beautiful girl, the couple get killed in an accident. Periya Karuppan brings up the girl Poomayil (new-find Uma) and vows not to marry as he has to look after his niece. This disappoints Mallika (Khushbu) who wants to marry Periya Karuppan.
When Poomayil attains marriageable age, a young man is chosen to marry her. Before the day of betrothal she asks her grandfather why her uncle never got married and the old man replies that he has remained a bachelor only to bring her up. This touches her and she announces at the betrothal function that she intends to marry only her uncle, who has sacrificed a lot for her sake.
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