Watch 7 Naatkal full movie featuring Shakthi and Nikesha Patel alongside an ensemble cast of Prabhu, Ganesh Venkatraman, Nassar, Angana Roy, Rajeev Govinda Pillai, and M. S. Bhaskar, among others, playing supporting roles. 7 Naatkal is a 2017...Tamil mystery thriller film directed by Gautham VR and written by P. Vimal Kumar. The music was composed by Vishal Chandrasekhar with cinematography done by M. S. Prabhu and editing by M. Jesvin Prabu.
#7naatkal #shakthi #prabhu #msbhaskar

Movie Credits:
Directed by Gautham VR
Written by P. Vimal Kumar
Produced by K. Karthik, K. Karthikeyan
Starring Shakthi Vasudevan, Nikesha Patel, Prabhu, Ganesh Venkatraman, Nassar, Angana Roy, Rajeev Govinda Pillai, M. S. Bhaskar
Cinematography M. S. Prabhu
Edited by M. Jesvin Prabu
Music by Vishal Chandrasekhar

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