Exclusive Interview with Actor-Director R Parthiban, talking about his recently release much anticipated movie, Iravin...Nizhal. Iravin Nizhal is an upcoming Indian Tamil Independent action thriller movie, produced, written, co-edited and directed by R Parthiban under the banner Akira Productions and Bioscope Film Framers. The film stars Radhakrishnan Parthiban, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Robo Shankar, Priyanka Ruth and Brigida Saga in the lead roles. The background score and music for the film is composed by A. R. Rahman. This is an exclusive video of Iravin Nizhal Movie Review. Watch FULL INTERVIEW to know more. SUBSCRIBE to CINEULAGAM for more informative, entertaining and creative content.
#Parthiban #IravinNizhal #ArRahman #IravinNizhalFdfs #iravinnizhalreview #IravinNizhalRunningSuccessfully #IravinNizhalMovie #Cineulagam
00:00 Vezham Movie AD
00:08 R Parthiban Interview Promo
18:11 Brigida Interview Promo
Brigida Interview: https://youtu.be/KhzQqUoEk5o
*ude Scene Making-ல இருந்த Trick... Parents கிட்ட Permission..? | #IravinNizhal
Quick 15 with R Parthiban: https://youtu.be/elZ3uFdZ6yA
Jaggi Vasudev கிட்ட கதை சொல்லியிருக்கேன்
Quick 15 : https://bit.ly/3ydHpqj
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