Aanmai Thavarael is a 2011 Tamil crime thriller film written and directed by Kuzhanthai Velappan. The film, featuring newcomers Dhruva and Shruti alongside Sampath Raj and Panchu Subbu in primary roles, deals with human trafficking.#AanmaiThavarael...#Dhruva #ShrutiJai Cinemas is a Movie channel gives all sort of entertainment with all latest Tamil Movies.Subscribe: https://bit.ly/32RGsVv view more Post navigation A Very Emotional scene – Aanmai Thavarael | Dhruva | Shruti | Sampath Raj | John Vijay | Jai Cinemas Sampath and Dhruva on Investigation – Aanmai Thavarael | Shruti | John Vijay | Jai Cinemas