Goli Soda is a 2014 Indian Tamil language drama film written and directed by S.D. Vijay Milton, who handled the Cinematography as well. Produced by his brother Bharath Seeni under Roughnote Production, the film stars Kishore, Sree Raam, Pakoda Pandi, and...Murugesh of Pasanga fame. The film was distributed by N. Lingusamy's Thirrupathi Brothers. The film narrates the story of four boys who work and live together in a market.

#GoliSoda #jaicinemas #ImmanAnnachi #MadhusudhanRao #Kishore

Kishore DS as Pulli (Bruce Lee)
Sree Raam as Settu
Pandi as Sithappa
Murugesh as Kuttimani
Seetha as Vanmathi (ATM)
Chandhini as Yaamini
Madhusudhan Rao as Naidu (voice dubbed by Samuthirakani)
Sujatha Sivakumar as Aachi
R. K. Vijay Murugan as Mayilu
Imman Annachi as Manthiravadhi
Senthi Kumari as Naidu's wife
Meenal as Naidu's niece
Pasanga Sivakumar as Inspector Perumal
Flower A. Manoharan as S. K.
Sampath Ram

Special appearance in trailer
T. Rajendar
'Powerstar' Srinivasan
Sam Anderson

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