Attahasam is a 2004 Indian Tamil-language action masala film written and directed by Saran featuring Ajith Kumar in dual lead roles with Pooja playing the female lead. Sujatha, Karunas and Ramesh Khanna play pivotal roles in the film, while the score and...soundtrack are composed by Bharathwaj.

Plot Summary
The movie begins with Jeeva, a driving instructor, leading a happy life with his mother. He also fell in love with Swapna after several mishaps. Sujatha hides the truth from Jeeva that his father, was murdered by a dada named Manthiram. The mother, much against the boy’s wish, packs off Jeeva's twin brother, Guru with a family who offer to adopt him, who had been witness to the murderer from a close quarter, to a distant town. He escapes from the family and goes to Tuticorin and grows to become a gangster there.

When Jeeva visits Tuticorin, he comes across his elder brother, Guru a.k.a. Thala. Seizing the opportunity, the elder brother kidnaps the younger one and decides to go as the driving instructor to Chennai. Initially, he plans to take revenge on his mother for packing him off from their house at a very young age. He hurts her at every step and even plans to sell off all their property.

On the other hand, Jeeva is mistaken as the gangster and is subject to attacks by the local gangsters of Tuticorin. He escapes from them and returns to Chennai to save his mother. In the meantime, Jeeva learns of his father's death and Manthiram was the cause for the same. He avenges his father's death and leaves Jeeva with his mother to live happily and goes off to jail to keep his mother in belief that he is somewhere in the world living happily.

#AttagasamComedy #KarunasComedy #AjithComedy
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