Iniyavale is a 1998 Tamil-language drama film directed by Seeman. The film stars Prabhu, Gouthami, Suvalakshmi and Keerthi Reddy. The film, produced by M. Vedha, had musical score by Deva and was released on 15 May 1998 to mixed reviews. The film marks...Thamarai debut in Tamil cinema.

Plot Summary
Prabhakaran (Prabhu), a poet, lives with his mother and his father. Prabhakaran has two friends Raja (Raja) and Murugan (Vadivelu) who are like his own brothers. A classical dancer (Gouthami) admires his poems. His ambition is passing the IAS exams and becoming a collector at all costs before the marriage. Prabhakaran's father (T. S. B. K. Moulee) and Ramanathan (Raghuvaran), Meena's father, are close friends and they decide to get Prabhakaran and Meena (Suvalakshmi) married. Meena is a very sensitive girl. Prabhakaran cannot accept and tries to cancel the marriage whereas Meena falls in love with her future groom Prabhakaran. Prabhakaran refuses for the marriage as a consequence Meena commits suicide because of a misinterpretation. Meena's family blames the innocent Prabhakaran. He feels guilty and decides to marry Meena's younger sister Manju (Keerthi Reddy), a playful girl. What transpires later forms the crux of the story.


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