Needhiyin Nizhal is a 1985 Indian Tamil-language film, directed by Bharathi-Vasu and produced by Santhi Narayanasamy. The film stars Sivaji Ganesan, Radha, Prabhu and M. N. Nambiar. The film had musical score by Shankar–Ganesh, and was released on 13 April...1985.

Plot Summary
To the general public, Krishna Prasad (M. N. Nambiar) is known as a rich do-gooder that conducts weddings for the poor and gets the couples jobs in foreign countries. In reality, it is a ploy to traffic the brides into sex work. Along with his associates Ethiraj (Vinu Chakravarthy), Nagaraj (Sathyaraj) and Sukumar (Sivachandran), he manages to evade the law and avoid any consequences for his actions. D.I.G Nithyanandam attempts to catch Krishna Prasad but is shot multiple times and lands in a wheel chair. Nithyanandam's oldest son is Vijay (Prabhu), a recent college grad that is nursing a broken heart after his girlfriend Swapna (Radha) suddenly dumps him. Vijay always gets into fights as he insists on standing up for what's right. He is inspired to join the police after his father is hurt. Vijay sets out to catch Krishna Prasad's group but for every step closer he gets toward his goal, he suffers. He loses his friend Mohan (Chandrasekhar), his parents and younger brother Dileep. He is also beaten badly and presumed dead. Vijay uses this as an opportunity to go undercover and catch his enemies. In the process, he also learns some shocking truths about his past and his family.

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