Vandae Maatharam is a 2010...Indian action film directed by T. Aravind. The film features Mammootty & Arjun in the lead roles, along with Sneha, Deepak Jethi, Shraddha Arya, Rajkapoor, Nassar, Jai Akash, Jagadish, and Rajan P. Dev in supporting roles. The film was simultaneously made and released in Malayalam and Tamil. The story revolves around the investigation and how two police officers, played by Mammootty and Arjun, eradicate the terrorists from entering the border.
Parasuram - 00:00
Vandae Maatharam - 2:26:00
Parasuram Tamil Movie Songs
Kadhal Vettukili - 15:28
Dolna Dolna - 53:41
Chittu Kuruvi - 1:18:19
Vandae Maatharam Tamil Movie Songs
Saaragiyil - 2:27:52
Gala Gala Gala Gaaley - 2:56:28
One Two Three - 3:56:23
#Rajshritamil #arjun #arjunsarja #abbas #mammootty #Sneha #tamilcinema #TamilMovie
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