Puthiya Sagaptham is a 1985 Tamil drama film directed by Visu. The film features Vijayakanth, Ambika and Visu in lead roles. The film, produced by K. Gopinathan, had musical score by Gangai Amaran.

Director: Visu
Starring: Vijayakanth,...Ambika and Visu

Uma (Ambika) finds a job in a college library after impressed Vijay (Vijayakanth), a college student, who becomes the school leader. Uma's father kills her stepmother and commits suicide by letting her and his three children alone. Ramadasaradan (Visu) joins the college for a mysterious reason which only Uma knows. Ramadasaradan links secretly Vijay and Uma by writing wrong relation between them so Uma is fired. When Vijay goes to her house, he sees a photo of Uma with her husband.

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