Yaan is a 2014 Tamil action thriller film written, directed and filmed by Ravi K. Chandran. It stars Jiiva and Thulasi Nair. This was the second and final...Tamil film of leading actress, Thulasi as the latter further quoted of unable to enjoy the deeds of acting. As it never appealed to her taste. The film's soundtrack and score was composed by Harris Jayaraj, while editing and art direction were done by A. Sreekar Prasad and Sabu Cyril, respectively. Resul Pookutty was in charge of the sound mixing and Brinda was in charge of the choreography. The movie was reported to be based on the 1978 movie Midnight Express.
MOVIE : Yaan
CAST : Jiiva, Thulasi Nair, Nassar
MUSIC : Harris Jayaraj
DIRECTED BY : Ravi K Chandran
The film begins in Mumbai where cops plan the encounter of terrorist Malik Shah (Nawab Shah), who is a notorious criminal. The cops succeed in trapping him, and Police Commissioner Anwar Ali (Jayaprakash) kills Malik. Then comes Chandrasekhar alias Chandru (Jiiva), a happy-go-lucky, jobless youth who is an MBA graduate and lives in his grandmother's expense. Chandru meets Sreela (Thulasi Nair) on the day of the encounter and helps her elope the spot, saving her life. Chandru falls for Sreela at first sight and starts to follow her. Though initially, she refuses him, they both fall in love soon. As usual, Sreela's father Rajan (Nassar) opposes their marriage as Chandru is jobless and does not have an income. Hence, Chandru decides to find a job with full fledge. He finally gets a job offer in 'Basilistan', a strict Islamic nation. Chandru travels to Basilistan with the help of a travel agent named Haridas (Bose Venkat). He also introduces Iqbal (Danush Bhaskar), an autistic teen boy to Chandru, who is also travelling to Basilistan for a work and asks Chandru to take care of him until they reach Basilistan, Morocco.
A shock awaits Chandru and Iqbal, as they are arrested in Basilistan airport for carrying drugs. In the court, Chandru sees a man named Abdul Rashid, a wealthy entrepreneur from Basilistan, who resembles Malik. Chandru is interrogated by the officials. He claims that he is innocent but is sent to prison with a note that drug trafficking is a punishable offence in Basilistan, and he will be killed by the officials. Chandru understands that it was a trap set up by Haridas. Chandru meets Chinna (Thambi Ramaiah), an inmate at the jail who is a Tamil guy. Chinna is arrested for a small crime and is about to be released soon. Chinna tells Chandru that if someone from India can help him find a lawyer at Basilistan, he will get bail and will be released. Chandru sends a note for Sreela through Chinna, and Sreela decides to help Chandru. With Anwar's help, Sreela travels to Basilistan to rescue Chandru. She meets a Tamil taxi driver who drives her to the jail. On the way, they witness the execution of the criminals. She is shocked to see Chandru among the group and is deeply hurt. Luckily for Chandru, the execution did not happen because of the broken sword whilst executing Imran. He is taken back to jail. Chandru escapes the jail and meets Sreela. They both escape the place with the taxi driver's help.
Meanwhile, it is revealed that Rashid is none other than Malik himself, who faked the encounter with a dummy. Fearing that his identity will be revealed by Chandru, he follows Chandru and Sreela to kill them. They cross the Basilistan border with a camel, and Malik gets killed. Finally, Chandru and Sreela escape from Basilistan.
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