"Kombu" is a Tamil action drama film starring Karan, Vindhya, and Riyaz Khan in lead roles. The film revolves around a gripping tale of revenge and justice in a rural backdrop. Karan plays the protagonist, a determined man with a strong sense of justice, who...takes on a powerful and corrupt villain, portrayed by Riyaz Khan. Vindhya plays the female lead, adding emotional depth to the story. The film is packed with intense action sequences, dramatic confrontations, and a strong narrative that explores themes of honor, family, and retribution. Directed with a focus on raw storytelling, "Kombu" delivers a powerful punch with its engaging screenplay and compelling performances.
Cast: Directed by : Prakash Produced by : M.Prabhu Starring : Karan , Vindhya Editing : Sai Krishna Screen play : Suresh Music : Imman