The...plot revolves around two brothers. Rathinam (Jai Shankar), a small boy, runs away from his home after he is accused of stealing. He reunites with his brother (Gemini Ganesan) after many years, who loves him a lot, but refuses to believe that he is trustworthy. What happens next is worth watching, the dialogues and the legendary artists' performances will take a special place in your heart.
Cast - Gemini Ganesan, Padmini, Jaishankar, Vanisri, Nagesh, S. Balaiah, K. Balaji, Suruli Rajan, S. N. Lakshmi, Ragini
Director - M. S. Solaimalai
Producer - M. S. Rajendran
Cinematographer - W. R. Subba Rao
Editor - R. Devarajan
#GeminiganesanMovies #JaishankarMovie #EthirkalamMovie
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